Board Leadership
President: Julie Cota, MA
Julie is retired after working as a school counselor for 27 years. She discovered NAMI in Tucson. She saw first hand how the NAMI support groups, education, and genuine empathy and compassion changed lives. She is also aware that mental health services are not readily available to everyone. She wanted to be a part of making sure everyone had the opportunity to be supported through any mental health challenges. She is trained to facilitate the NAMI Basics education class and present "End The Silence."
Secretary: Pam Johnson
Pam Johnson moved to the White Mountains with her husband, LeRoy Johnson, in 2017, after raising four children, including two boys who she and LeRoy adopted from Foster Care. Pam is a retired lawyer for the State of Arizona Securities Division, Arizona Corporation Commission. She also served as a member of the Maricopa County Foster Care Review Board (FCRB) and is currently an applicant for the Navajo County FCRB. Pam is a member of NAMI White Mountains and was trained to be a NAMI Family to Family (F2F) instructor and a Family Support Group (FSG) facilitator in 2023. Pam serves as Secretary for the NAMI White Mountains Board of Directors. Pam is dedicated to NAMI’s role in providing support and education for families dealing with mental health issues.

Contact any board member at [email protected] or 928-298-1914
Vice President/Treasurer: LeRoy Johnson
Leroy is an Arizona native. He attended the University of Arizona and received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in accounting. He earned a graduate degree in law and worked both as a CPA and a lawyer. He retired and settled here in the White Mountains. He and his wife were long time foster parents, they adopted 2 boys from the system. Their experiences fostering showed them the need for quality support for individuals and families dealing with issues surrounding mental illness. Being a volunteer and member of NAMI White Mountains, Arizona gives him the chance to give back.
Director: Ralph Engler
Ralph retired from a distinguished career in mechanical engineering. He served in a principal leadership roles in a large company which makes him a natural leader for our NAMI groups. He has been an active member of NAMI since 2013. He is a founding member of the NAMI White Mountains, Arizona chapter. He volunteers as a family support leader because he believes in Finding Help and Finding Hope.